The "King"Of Herbs...GANO
Experience the benefits of an ancient, preventive medicinal herb.
Ganoderma has been used as an herbal remedy for such things as health, recuperation, longevity, wisdom and happiness for centuries in Asian traditional medicine.
A Short History of Ganoderma:
Western culture has often had mixed views about the use of herbal supplements throughout the years; however for Eastern cultures, it is almost considered a way of life. With people in North America looking for alternatives to better health, the properties and benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum have become of interest and appeal.
Ganoderma Lucidum is a mushroom. But not an ordinary Mushroom. A Red Mushroom. A Red Mushroom that dates back over 4,000. Ancient generations prized this mushroom for its medicinal properties … promoting health and well-being. This mushroom is also known as Lingzhi in China, Reishi in Japan, and Youngzhi in Korea.
Historically, Ganoderma has grown in wooded mountain forests on a very small number dried trunks of dead trees. With modern technology, the Reishi mushroom's growth can be carefully controlled under strict laboratory conditions that replicates its natural environment. Only the finest, most pure Ganoderma can be grown under these conditions, allowing it to provide all the benefits that have existed over the millenniums.
Ganoderma Lucidum is an extract from the Reishi mushroom, also referred to as Língzhi in China.
It works to aid the body's immunity, as well as overall health of its internal organs. It acts as an anti-fungal, anti-hypotensive, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory agent. It also functions to block the spread of tumor or cancerous cells as a part of its anti-tumor properties.
Ganoderma lucidum has many health benefits. It is used to treat insomnia, asthma, chronic bronchitis and heart disease and is used in skin care. As a total herb, it also has systemic benefits in treating tumors, detoxifying the body through liver cleansing, as well as treatment for heart disease. Its antioxidant properties allows it to reduce the signs of aging, and it also treats hypertension.
It is non-toxic and can be taken daily without producing any side effects.
When it is taken regularly, it can restore the body to its natural state, enabling all organs to function normally.
You encourage you to can learn more about the medical research by accessing web sites such as WebMD and the United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health.
Iaso Gano (King of Herbs)
Iaso Techui (Pure Spirulina)

IASO Techui - Is an all Natural Protein non meat plant based. It is a Sea Plant that works as a super food. IASO Techui has more protein than steak or soy beans. The vitamins inside of IASO Techui like the B Vitamins are incredible. Imagine not eating actual meat but having the right protein that meat would provide in your body. In fact IASO Techui is more of a super food than what the astronauts eat when they travel in space. If you were taking 3 Capsules a day and a glass of water daily you can survive over 30 days with no food and you will be very healthy. IASO Techui can also be used as meal replacements where proteins are needed. In fact IASO Techui has more protein than steak or soy beans. The vitamins inside of IASO Techui like the B Vitamins are incredible. Imagine not eating actual meat but having the right protein that meat would provide in your body.
IASO Techui is literally equal to about a pound of meat and aids in muscle definition growth. For example by adding 4 Capsules of IASO Techui, drinking water and increasing exercise daily will help with muscle definition growth. IASO Techui can be used as a booster for many health concerns such as Cancer, Eye Health and Weaking conditions such as being bed ridden. The protein in IASO Techui will help the body where needed in getting the body moving and it is also beneficial to neutralize and nourish what’s going on in your body.

Iaso Chaga (Pure 100% Extract)
Siberian Chaga extract is one of the most powerful yet gentle health supplements known to man. It is 100% non-toxic, and can be taken safely at ANY age. It's benefits are beyond the scope of anything we have ever seen and needs to be experienced in order to be truly understood. Chaga has long been used in folk medicine due to it's antibacterial, anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties. Many recent studies great results in Chaga's ability to fight off cancerous cells. These aspects are well known in Russia, China, and Japan, but in Western "medicine", knowledge of Chaga and other medicinal mushrooms is not only nearly non-existent, it's basically shunned by pharmaceutical company led medical "Practitioners". Total Life Changes is the first Network Marketing Company to distribute this powerful medicinal mushroom! Rave reviews and impactful testimonials from clients have us all on the edge of our seats. The Chaga Train is running full-steam ahead and we're not looking back.
Siberian Chaga is documented for successfully treating cancers of the stomach, lungs, breasts and cervix. Two studies in 1996 found it to have an inhibitory effect on both influenza and HIV. It stimulates the body’s natural immune functions (something that was first confirmed in 2002 and then again in 2005); which may also help explain the historical use of Siberian Chaga extract as an anti-inflammatory.
While the U.S. government restricts medical claims, here is what can be said: Chaga Extract has been used as an essential whole food supplement for many years by Russia’s long-lived peasants, as well as long-lived villagers of Japan and Korea. Now you too can experience the health benefits of wild Siberian Chaga, the plant responsible for the exceptional health and life expectancy of the Siberians ranging from 85-100 years.

Studies reveal that only 10-20% of the nutrients in pills or tablets are absorbed into the body compared to 98% of our liquid formula. That means, if you are taking a vitamin pill containing 120mg of Vitamin C, the most your body will absorb is 24mg, which is below the recommended daily allowance. Your vitamin pill could be leaving you lacking necessary nutrients your body needs.
Because Iaso Nutraburst is a liquid, a full 98% of its contents are absorbed directly into your bloodstream.
This whole food, liquid formula concentrate is packed with a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals in just a single tablespoon. Nutrients are most useful when they’re completely absorbed into your bloodstream. Today more than ever, we need whole food nutrients to keep up with our busy lifestyles. So, put back the pills and absorb up to 88% more nutrients with Iaso Nutraburst. Your health comes first with Nutraburst.
The Revolutionary NutraBurst Formula contains:
A full spectrum of vitamins
72 Minerals
12 Herbs
19 Amino Acids
13 Whole Food Greens
22 Fruits & Vegetables Phytonutrients
Plus…many powerful multi-fibers
The Benefits of Iaso NutraBurst

Turn On The Energy!!!
Are you looking for the best fat burner for women? Look no further. We are promoting the most effective fat burner for women known as Iaso NRG. Our company has been in the fore front in the manufacture of natural health supplements that work. Iaso NRG weight loss and energy supplement is the latest addition to the wide range of products manufactured by Total Life Changes. Iaso NRG is a potent energy and fat burner that you can use on a daily basis to burn your fats without any feeling of jittery.
Iaso NRG works by increasing your body metabolic rate to burn more fats. This product also works by suppressing your appetite, so you will eat less without feeling hungry. This product will also help you focus better, stay alert and have improved concentration. We say that Iaso NRG is best fat burner for women, because this product is designed with proven ingredients like leucine, green tea extracts, CLA, thyroid stimulators and thermogenic ingredients. These ingredients are superbly designed to prevent your body from storing fats and calories from foods that you consume.
Our product is formulated to offer multiple benefits that include mental stimulation and focus, metabolic and thermogenesis stimulation, increased energy output, enhanced fat mobilization, appetite suppression and fat storage negation
Iaso NRG is the only fat burner for women in the market today without side effects. But still, this doesn’t mean there are no precautions to take. You have to follow dosage requirements keenly. Always observe general common sense by not exceeding the recommended dosage and observing signs of tolerance. There are few potentially potent stimulants in this formula. The amount of caffeine in this formula does not bring the feelings of anxiety or jittery.
Any formula that contains a list of natural ingredients, always tastes great without causing any harmful side effects is worth your money. Iaso NRG fat burner for women falls under this category. If you are in the market looking for the best fat burner for women, Iaso NRG is the perfect product for you. I doubt you won’t be disappointed with this weight loss supplement. What’s more, being able to try out our fat burner pills for women means you aren’t going to be wooed into buying a supply of products that you aren’t sure of.
Benefits of Iaso NRG
Is there Any Precautions?
Is it Worth the Money?

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is what triggers the hypothalamus region to mobilize stored fat into the bloodstream to be used as food. It is believed to reset your metabolism and to protect your body’s good fat and keep muscle tissue from breaking down. (which occurs in other low calorie diets without using HCG).
Our product is a professional grade homeopathic HCG weight loss product that is made in the USA. Dieters who need to lose 15 lbs. (7 kg.) or less require a 26 day treatment. Dieters must continue the 500-calorie diet, free to eat anything they please except sugar and starches for the next three weeks. Dieters who need to lose 34 lbs. or more will require at least one extra cycle. However, they must NOT begin the next cycle sooner that 6 weeks.
Human chorionic gonadotropin, more commonly known as hCG, is a naturally occurring glycoprotein hormone produced during pregnancy. Its various functions in vivo include ovary protection, progesterone level maintenance, and even immune tolerance during pregnancy. It also serves a function to mobilize fat and make it bioavailable to burn as an energy source. Therefore, at the direction of a physician, it is a very safe, effective, and natural tool that enhances and accelerates weight loss.
Facts About HCG for Weight Loss:
HCG helps to modify eating behavior by targeting the hypothalamus, thus reducing caloric intake. The hypothalamus in the brain regulates the homeostatic control of food intake by receiving, coordinating and responding to metabolic cues and signals from the digestive system. By integrating these metabolic signals, the hypothalamus tells us when we need to eat to maintain a body weight “set point,” much like a thermostat set on a specific temperature. Therefore, the activity of the hCG on the hypothalamus helps to regulate food intake and reduce cravings.
HCG Reduces Cravings
HCG "targets" Fat In Those Hard To Lose Places
When administered in small daily doses, hCG helps to mobilize fat deposits that have formed around the hips, thighs, abdomen, and upper arms. Once this fat has become mobile within the body, it is available for use as a source of fuel. This open access to the hip and waist fat actually facilitates a “targeted” weight loss in people who find it difficult to lose it in these places after a history of dieting. hCG biochemically targets these hard to lose areas and results in weight loss that cannot be achieved by dieting alone.
What makes NutraBurst so Affective:
What is Iaso Techui?
What are The Benefits:
What is Ultra HCG 2 Drops

A brand new game changer in weight loss will be released in January 2015 from Total Life Changes. TLC’s exclusive proprietary blend is called Resolution. It flushes fats & toxins from the system and keeps your food cravings away all day.
Unlike the cycles of HCG drops, which recommend little to no cardiovascular exercise or weight lifting, Resolution drops and a two-stage program allows for regular cardio workouts and weight training that will not interfere with your weight loss results.
If you’re looking to lose up to 35 pounds quickly and safely, with little to no change in your daily routine, look to make it happen with TLC’s Resolution drops. When used together with our moniker 1200-Calorie Diet, Resolution supports speedy weight loss, including stubborn belly fat, and reduces the odds of returning weight gain.
The two stages of our program are derived from current studies and research conducted within diet plans when using an intense weight loss supplement. The recommended daily 1200-Calorie Diet Plan allows for a (200) calorie breakfast, (400) calorie lunch & dinner and two (100) calorie snacks throughout the day.
Resolution will be “the” weight loss product of 2015 both in the United States and abroad. A flexible diet and the ability to maintain your regular exercise routine/start a new one, makes Resolution a perfect choice for drastic weight loss in just 23 days.
Resolution is derived from certified-grade raw materials (the very purest materials available), processed according to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and made in the U.S.A.
Take the craves away and safely lose that stubborn unwanted belly fat in less than 30 days. TLC has the solution. In 2015, everyone will want Resolution.
What is Resolution?
What Can I Expect?
Do I Have to Be On A Diet?
How Does Resolution Compare To Other Products?
Is It Safe? What's In It?
How Does It Work?
What Are The Benefits?
Total Life Changes Resolution
Lose 1-3 Pounds A Day Weight Loss Drops
Iaso Ultra HCG2 Drops
Clinical Strength Weight Loss Drops
Pure 100% Extract-Ganoderma Lucidum
The Worlds Healthiest Superfood
Pure Siberian Chaga
Iaso NutraBurst (Liquid Vitamin)
Your Health Comes First
Iaso NRG (Energy & Fat Burner)
Lighting in A Bottle!!!
What is Siberian Chaga?
History of Siberian Chaga?
Benefits of Chaga